Zaven Hadichian
1932 – 2018, Beirut
Zaven Hadichian pursued his artistic education at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts in Beirut before furthering his studies at the École Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. As an Armenian-Lebanese sculptor, he specialized in human anatomy, portraiture, bas-relief, and monumental art, studying under the guidance of renowned artists Hubert Yensses, Marcel Gimond, and Alfred Janiot, respectively.
Hadichian dedicated his life to the craft of sculpting and also shared his expertise as a teacher of modeling and sculpting at various universities in Lebanon. He played an instrumental role in shaping the field by designing a teaching program at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA). He also taught at the Fine Arts Department of Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK) and held the distinction of being the first professor of sculpture at the Fine Arts Institute of the Lebanese University.
His artistic contributions were showcased in numerous exhibitions both in Lebanon and abroad. His monumental sculptures can be found in various locations worldwide, including Lebanon, Armenia, and the United States.
About his Work
Hadichian's artwork is characterized by abstract figures that possess a sense of purity and ethereality, as if they belong to the realm of dreams. These figures appear to strive to transcend the boundaries of the organic and embody the ideal, moving from nature to poetry. The sculpted bodies, whether captured in bronze, rock, or clay, exude an unmistakable air of elegance and finesse.
Hadichian's artistic journey is one of freedom, exploration, and adventure. He skillfully transforms marble into words and renders rock as soft as fire, inviting us to delve into the depths of our own existence and discover the true essence within. His art stands as a testament to his genius, with his small bronze sculptures serving as miniature monuments in their own right.
Zaven Hadichian
Hommage to Rodin, 2014
Bronze, edition: 1/3, 72 x 58 x 32 cm
MACAM Collection