Mahassen Ajam
B. 1960, Beirut
Mahassen Ajam holds master's degrees in architecture, urban planning, and business administration. She had multiple encounters with theatre and painting before eventually turning to sculpture.
During her more than ten years in Paris, she studied sculpture and pursued her artistic work alongside her professional practice. Afterward, she returned to Lebanon where she continued her artistic endeavors.
As a child, Ajam was always in search of what lies beneath the surface of things, and she found solace in her writings and designs, hidden within her small notebooks. As an artist, she yearns to use sculpture as a means to mend the damages caused by life's daily struggles, both within and around us. She has been deeply affected and inspired by the war, believing in moments that leave an indelible mark on our consciousness and that can be expressed through a researched artistic language that promises infinite pleasures.
About her Work
Mahassen Ajam is entirely devoted to sculpture and creativity, with a particular fondness for terracotta as a medium. Her primary focus is on capturing the dynamics and sensuality of the human figure. Through her skillful manipulation of the material, she creates bodies that reflect diverse themes and explore how they interact in various situations and conditions. Additionally, her work serves as a critique of societal issues, challenging the norms and taboos that exist within our culture.
Mahassen Ajam
Untitled, 2013
Terra Cotta, 35 x 23 x 13 cm
Loan from the artist